Bismillah Foundation is providing free medical treatment to poor and needy at two locations, City Medical Center and Shahzad Clinic Bunni Road.
People who can not afford to pay, gets free medical treatment at City Medical Center and Shahzad Clinic sponsored by Bismillah Foundation Corp.
We also provide free ration, free food, clothing, school books and supplies for poor and orphan children and families. Our intention is to help underprivileged people as much as we possibly can.
Life is all about giving, our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH said, "The best people are those who are most useful to others"
We are trying, please pray that may God Almighty succeed us in our mission.
If you like to participate, volunteer or contribute please contact us in USA 1-718-704-3861, in Pakistan 334-556-1100
©2025 Bismillah Trust. All rights reserved.